Welcome to responsible travel in North Sumatra

We are proud members of Pack for a Purpose, an initiative that allows travelers like you to make a lasting impact in the community at your travel destination. If you save just a few kilos of space in your suitcase and take supplies for the projects we support in need, you’ll make a priceless impact in the lives of our local children and families.
To see what supplies are needed for our project/projects
We are happy to support 3 amazing programs in North Sumatra with the pack for a purpose inititative, which focuses on contributing educational supplies to assist with the learning and education of local children.
The Bukit Lawang Trust in a non-profit organisation and is run solely on donations.
It is located in Gotong Royong, about 10 minutes from Bukit Lawang. The centre provides free English and Nature Classes every afternoon to local children of 6 years upwards. The classes are given by locally employed teachers and volunteers to around 200 children, which come from all the surrounding villages
We believe this program is so important, providing free English classes to children which focuses on environment and environmental issues where they live, litter picking, handi-crafts lessons reusing plastic bottles etc. These children are the future of their village and the ones that can make positive changes in the future.
Green class are taken in a basic wooden shelter. Masno is the guy behind the classes with other local people helping to teach, sometimes with volunteers.
There are about 70 children which join in with the different activites each week. These range from cultural singing & dancing, english classes, conservation and environment, litter picking etc.
We support this program because the main focus is teaching about the environment. Along with this, teaching traditional cultures and dance which is so important to preserve for the future.
Green Class needs essential schooling provisions and educational books as the classes run soley on donations.
Is located in Timbang Jaya, about 20 minutes away from Bukit Lawang. The ecofarm and community garden are organic and trying to focus on permaculture.
The farm is owned and run by Erna and her husband. It is small but has a spice garden and produces many fruit and vegetables.
The farm regularly has students from schools and universities from Medan visiting. The children from Nature Class from the Bukit Lawang Trust also attend to learn about spices, compost and organic gardening.
Erna's aim is to open the farm and community garden to locals so they can learn about ecological gardening and permaculture farming is sustainable for both humans and nature.
We want to encourage travellers to visit the farm too, to learn about how it can help the local community. The farm needs more help on a day-to-day basis and needs supplies.

It would be great if you could find space in your backpack to bring some of the supplies needed for one of these three very important programs. Many of the requested items, especially for the schools can be bought here and our team would be happy to assist you.
If you would prefer to buy items locally, please contact us at sumecoventures@gmail.com. It would be our pleasure to take you to either of these programs to give out the supplies you have bought. The children are always really grateful to receive items. If you have more time, maybe you might be interested in volunteering for a couple of hours or even a few days at one of these places.
If you want to give something back and make your travel more meaningful then please participate in this pack for purpose initiative. Click here to see what supplies are needed for each program.